Liam Sturgess Wins "Kind Heart Award" at 2020 Civic Youth Awards

Liam Sturgess Wins "Kind Heart Award" at 2020 Civic Youth Awards

I was chosen to receive the Kind Heart Award from the City of North Vancouver at the 2020 Civic Youth Awards! Thank you so much to Jill Cameron and Leah Herman, as well as Julia and Juliana for being my favourite local government workers around. Also, a huge thanks to Mayor Linda Buchanan for allowing the buck to stop in the hands of such a huge supporter of the arts.

The Art of Creating and Recreating

The Art of Creating and Recreating

I've learned that it's my duty as an artist not just to have ideas that I think are interesting and worthwhile, but treat them with the respect they deserve and allow them to be created, broken down, recreated, and broken down again for as many times as is necessary to achieve their full potential